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Our foundation: de graafstroom helps, from the heart

“De graafstroom helps, from the heart” wants help make a better world by helping with sustainability projects based on voluntary commitment.

Our contribution could be:

  • A donation of money, (a periodic allowance or non-recurrent deposit).

  • A gift in kind (products, equipment or technical gear, the loan of equipment).

  • Sharing knowledge

  • Offering services

  • Hosting activities/events that involve employees from our company (mobilising help, voluntary work).


Whom or what does “de graafstroom help, from the heart?”

  • Activities/events organised by, or for direct business contacts, of de graafstroom.

  • Organisations or clubs in the region.

  • Occasionally, national activities/events (such as the national organisation for volunteer work, nl.Doet).   


If you have any questions, please get in touch with DeGraafstroom.Doet@degraafstroom.com 
